Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wordless Wednesday #17 - Who needs to buy a cat condo?


We interrupt our regularly scheduled Wordless Wednesday to bring you the following:

Come back later for more... ;)

Check out more Wordless Wednesday here and here

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41 wonderful people said...:

jams o donnell said...

Haha, The cats would probably ignore the condo and settle for small boxes and clean laundry (especially if paws are dirty!) instead. Happy WW

Anonymous said...

Ha ha too cute, how convenient!!! Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

Looks like that was made just for them...
Happy WW!

Karen said...

HA! I thought I saw cats in your Tackle it Tuesday post! Cute pictures!

Anonymous said...

lol--that is perfect!! Did you get your bagel yet?!

SandyCarlson said...

Indeed, who needs to when you have all that feline ingenuity around the place!

Cynthia said...

Oh those cats are so clever! I have a fatty catty who insists on sleeping on top of my head!

Sandee said...

How cool. Very well done. Have a great WW. :)

Corey~living and loving said...

HOw fun. I love that first photo!

♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

I love their expressions ! My cat she was the same anywhere off the floor was comfy

Anonymous said...

very cute! happy WW

Anonymous said...

hehe how funny! It's the truth though right? Great picts.

Meisha said...

Cats can be so funny. I miss mine, but I was allergic to cleaning up after her. Also her dander made me sneeze.

Natalie said...

Silly kitties!

Anonymous said...

that is so cute. Do they always sit there?

Anonymous said...

wonderful find for today's entry!

happy ww!

Jessie said...

That's making good use of what you've got! Very cute.

Anonymous said...

My daughter saw this and proclaimed "See we need another cat!:

Qtpies7 said...

Our poor cats can't find an empty shelf in our house, lol. With 7 kids, every flat surface is used.

Shelia said...

Not these sassy creative cats! Happy and blessed WW!

KC said...

funny little cats
Happy WW

half pint pixie said...

excellent, clever cats!

The Edwards said...

To funny! I just love cats

Diana said...

So they have taken over the kitchen...cats think the house is theirs and YOU are the pets!

Dallas Meow said...


a present?

peace to all y'all

Siani said...

LOL - cats are such opportunists. My two are forever exploring various cupboards and closets. Great pics. Happy WW!

Believer in Balance said...

They look so comfortable and "at home!"

Debra Owen said...

We have a cat that looks just like your brown and white tabby! (Ours is Scout...) They're so cute!

Rambler said...

makes me wanna share the condo :)

Alexis Jacobs said...

Too funny! Happy ww.

Anonymous said...

Very cool!! Cats can be comfortable anywhere!

Annie said...

I love all the crazy places cats will curl up in. Happy WW!

Anonymous said...

real funny pic. happy ww

Shana said...

Well this is going to be a long comment!

First I bet as far a real estate goes, you can get quite a bit for a built in Cat Condo...lol!!! Cute picture!

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!! (even though it is a day late) I hope you had a wonderful birthday!

And I see you have a MySpace account. So do I. I went to ask you to me my "friend" but it is asking for your e-mail or last name. If you do want to be my "friend" (this sounds so jr high...lol) here is my link.


Just add me and I will add you! :o)

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

We have a mostly unused cat condo, too. They want what they want...even though it's usally not what we want...

Anonymous said...

That is so cute, and so conveinent! A better place than on top of (computer) or sitting on laptop!! :) Or another favorite place for mine to nap, and they have to be just out of the dryer, but my CLEAN clothes basket!!

Anonymous said...

LOL. Reminds me of my parents house. One of their cats is always appearing in the strangest places.

Anonymous said...

Too cute. Amazing that they both are doing it!

Nice bling, btw.

Anonymous said...

How cute that they are both sitting in their space at the same time.

Rebecca said...

Love the Cat Condo! Happy WW :P

Andree said...

How many spare kitties do you have in the back cupboards? LOL