Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wondering where 'Mom of 3 Girls' has gone?

I've made the move over to Wordpress!! My custom URL (http://www.momof3girls.net) is up and running over on the new site, so if you've ended up here - please come and join us there.

Some of my subscribers seem to have been lost in the move (Google Reader seems to have handled it ok, but I think Bloglines hasn't), so if you haven't seen a post from me in the last few days, please head over to the new site and re-subscribe. I'd love to see you again... :)

And thanks for all of your help and support during my recent WordPress issue - everything is back up and running over there, so come on and see! :)

Vote for my post on Mom Blog Network add to sk*rt

8 wonderful people said...:

Anonymous said...

I had the same issue when switching from blogger to wordpress

Anonymous said...

Ive been too scared to work with Wordpress-maybe one of these days..

Susie said...

Sorry to hear about your computer woes but Happy UBP!! Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving such sweet comments on my blog. I hope to see you back there soon:-)

Montana said...

I haven't visited in a long while, will go straight to wordpress and see what you're all about nowadays :)

Montana said...
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Kate said...
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Kiki said...

I will stick with blogger, but read your last post about Feedburner. Thanks for the tutorial. I don't think I did it correctly and will go back and attempt it again. Have a wonderful day and take care. Good luck with the switch. I hope your followers find you.

Bollywood Pictures said...

ok i will be following you to your new wordpress blog. at your new site. and your little girls are beautifull.