Friday, December 7, 2007

Warming up a cold Friday...

It's a gray, cold day out today, but I've got several awards that I need to acknowledge and pass along and that does indeed warm me right up to think about. :)

First off, I received the You Make Me Smile award from ExPat Mom, who lives down in Guatemala. This was her very first award and I'm honored that she chose to share it with me. She certainly makes me smile as well. :) I've passed this one along before, but wanted to share it again with a couple of bloggers who also make me smile - Jen from Absolutely Bananas who makes me smile and laugh and snort almost on a daily basis, and Michelle from In The Life of a Child because her incredible writing and stories about her daughter Jacqui always make me smile and because she and Jacqui have been sick on and off for the past few months, so I hope this brings a little bit of cheer for her.

I've received a couple of awards recently from my friend Anna at Beth & Cory's Mom. Thank you, Anna! I truly value your friendship and love reading all about you and your kids - and all of the things I know we'll be dealing with before I know it when we hit the teenaged years. :)

My girls are going to love the designs on these two awards - Abby loves kitties and Hannah loves doggies. These are just too cute for words! I'd like to pass them both along to all of my blogging friends - too numerous to name here, but please take one or both if you want! :)

I received this next award from my friend Michelle over at In The Life of a Child. I hope that she is feeling better and back to blogging soon because I miss reading her hilarious posts! I would like to pass it along to Jean from Working Momma 247, Jenny from LIVE! and In Color, and Sarah from Real Life because they help spread the Christmas cheer with their words and wonderful festive blog designs.

My friend Tammy at Mom Knows Everything has given me the Bodacious Blog award - thank you, Tammy! :)

I just noticed that I also received the last two awards from Jennifer over at A "Sample" of Jennifer's Thoughts as well - thank you as well to her! What a 'warm' Friday this is really turning out to be!

Vote for my post on Mom Blog Network add to sk*rt

4 wonderful people said...:

Anonymous said...

Hi Deb,
Congrats on your awards :)

I got here following a pingback from my blog which lets me follow the Blogging Buddies Award with the cute kitties :)

It's nice to follow it around and add more onto the original list I created.

Have a great weekend,

Bananas said...

Hey, thanks Deb! This definitely makes ME smile! :)

Jean said...

Thanks so much! We are so working momma blogging buddies and we gotta stick together. :)

JenLive! said...

Thank you very much! Was it the Santa beard that gave me away?