Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Yep, 'just' a virus...

Don't you just love spending money to find out that there's absolutely nothing the doctor can do? To be honest, I figured that it's what I would hear, but also decided that it was worth spending the $20 co-pay to make sure.

So I get to spend up to another week with this - although if I start running a fever next week or coughing up blood, then I'm supposed to go back in (you think?!) because it could turn into pneumonia or bronchitis. One of my co-workers just told me that he's had this bug (or a similar one) for going on a month now.  A month?!

At this rate, Mary's baby is going to hit kindergarten before we get a chance to get down to see him, LOL. But I definitely don't want to pass any germs along, so we'll see how I'm feeling by the weekend and whether or not anyone else has come down with this by then.

So otherwise, everything's pretty much the usual here. Back at work today - don't know how much I'm actually getting done, but I'm here. The girls have choir at church tonight, but I think we may skip that (again...) so I don't expose everyone there to whatever nasty virus this is. Besides, after spending last night out rushing around, I think I feel like staying put at home tonight. Maybe I'll even feel well enough (and get motivated enough) to pick a few things up around the house or fold some laundry. Or maybe not.  :)

I'm sorry this is such a dull, boring update - hopefully I can dig up some interesting and/or funny tidbits to post soon!

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5 wonderful people said...:

Lindy said...

Sorry you're feeling so cruddy Deb! Yep, nothing like that co-pay and then to hear, "Go home it's a virus". Bleh. : P Hope you're feeling better soon!

Jennifer said...

I'm sorry you're feeling bad AND sorry that I haven't been over to read lately!!
I had something for about a week after Christmas and seemed like it was going to take forever to get rid of it!!
I hope you're feeling better soon!

Mom Knows Everything said...

My daughter is sick too. It sucks! I'm tagging you with a meme for when you feel better.

Phyllis Sommer said...

yep, i do that too. i just pay that $20 and then i'm annoyed all day about it. my husband always says don't go but i just am a glutton for handing over my 20 bucks to hear "virus" out of the mouth of a professional...why o why!? hope you're all better soon...

Eva said...

I hope you are starting to feel better. Feeling sick when you are responsible for so many others and cannot coddle yourself is really stinky!