Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thursday Thirteen #9 - Abby's list

Thirteen Things about Abby's List!

My first-grader has been writing words like crazy lately. She wrote the following list during the first part of the church service last week - mostly by herself. At school, they've been teaching them to write the words how they sound, so here is Abby's schedule of everything she had to do last Sunday, as thought of, sounded out and written by my 6-year-old! Can you tell what it says?

  1. "Sunday" - I did help her spell this one so other than the backwards 'S', it's pretty self-explanatory.

  2. "Church" - I helped her with this one too but told her afterward that I wanted to actually listen to the service so she was on her own for the rest.

  3. "Lunch" - She spelled this one all on her own!

  4. "Quit-toime" - Otherwise known as 'Quiet time', LOL. And also known as, 'you and Hannah please keep the noise level down so that you don't wake up your baby sister!'.

  5. "Sak-toime" - 'Snack time' - Abby's favorite time of the day, well after breakfast, lunch and dinner that is.

  6. "Play" - I think it's funny that she scheduled herself specific time to play. And she even spelled it correctly!

  7. "Dinr-toime" - This one would be 'dinner time', of course.

  8. "Play" - More 'play' time! :)

  9. "Jame-toime" - Any guesses? Her 'e' isn't silent here, so it's 'jammie time'.

  10. "Books" - We typically read books as part of the bedtime routine. I didn't know that she knew how to spell it...

  11. 'Sugl-toime' - Think creatively... Make the 'S' frontwards and add a few letters to make 'snuggle time'. They get 3 minutes to snuggle after books are done.

  12. "Bush tch" - She knew she was running out of room so had to put this one on two separate lines. But together they are 'brush teeth'.

  13. "Bed-toime" - She managed to just squeeze that one in there! :)
I am so astonished at how improved her spelling is after just a few weeks of school. We can generally read and follow along with what she's trying to say when she writes things like this list. She thrives on structure, so it doesn't surprise me at all that she scheduled out her whole day like this. :)

Links to other Thursday Thirteens!

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The purpose of the meme is to get to know everyone who participates a little bit better every Thursday. Visiting fellow Thirteeners is encouraged! If you participate, leave the link to your Thirteen in others comments. It’s easy, and fun! Be sure to update your Thirteen with links that are left for you, as well! I will link to everyone who participates and leaves a link to their 13 things. Trackbacks, pings, comment links accepted!

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18 wonderful people said...:

Anonymous said...

that is SO adorable. someday, this list will warm your heart all over again! loved it.

Addicted to crafting said...

She's such a little sweetie!!!!

Mine's up!!!!

Anonymous said...

I could totally understand what she was writing! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Heh heh heh...that's precious!

Anonymous said...

Priceless and I was able to read most of it...

eastcoastlife said...

Funny how Moms could read the writings of their kids while Dads go scratching their head. hehe....

Now my teenage son uses computer language which I understand and his Dad still couldn't.

Anonymous said...

maybe u should frame tis list up..or keep it somewhere so tat next time u can show it to ur kid..

Mom not Mum (Sandy) said...

LOL She did a great job! My son had to write his own school schedule down - he's 8 and on Thursdays he has Sins. LOL What kind of school do they go to where they are learing about sins? Yes, it is SCIENCE of course.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that is too cute! Apparently, when I was a very young child at Sunday school I wrote a short story and spelled Jesus 5 different ways. I bet you didn't know that you could spell Jesus 5 different ways now, did you? According to my mum I also asked them if the 3 wise men helped get baby Jesus out with pliers. I'm assuming here that I meant forceps, but it kind of makes you wonder what on earth they were teaching in that Sunday school, doesn't it!
Happy TT!

Kerry said...

What a great list this is! Very creative and sooo precious.

Anonymous said...

I love snack time. I thought it said "SOCK IT TO ME!" LOL

My son is writing like this as well - I think it's so precious!

KC said...

She is doing really well.
Happy T13

Anonymous said...

When I read 'Snack Time', I thought it was 'Soccer Time'.LOL!
These are priceless. I love to keep things the kids have wrote, when they first started to put things together.

She did a fantastic job.
Happy TT!

Cynthia said...

This is such a great idea for TT! Good for her!

Anonymous said...

That is so sweet! Cool TT!

Denise Patrick said...

Good for your daughter. Keep up the interest in learning.

Happy TT!

Carpenters said...

I just stumbled upon your blog...I have 3 girlies too! I will definetly be back....

Thea @ It's Me Vs. Me said...

Your daughter's first Thursday Thirteen! You should be so proud!! LOL!