Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Tackle It Tuesday #21 - Mountain of laundry

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

My husband surprised me on Friday by doing pretty much all of the laundry in the house, along with a few other household chores. Which I much appreciated. :) However, his efforts have left me with well, this:


You see, these baskets are filled with clean clothes. And they have been sitting on the couch since Friday, waiting for me to empty them - to fold and put away what is almost every single clean item of clothing that the girls have. I've been trying to ignore them, in the hopes that maybe they'll surprise me and fold themselves, but so far no such luck. :) The baskets were originally piled higher, but I've been raiding them over the past several days whenever the girls need clothes or pajamas to put on. And quite frankly, I'm tired of having to dig through piles of clothes to find even one matching top to the 7 pairs of pajama bottoms I've discovered, or a pair of Hannah's pants when all I can locate are 394 pairs of Abby's.

It's time to tackle finishing the laundry.

Hmm, Ron has today off too (for a dentist appointment). Unfortunately the odds of him folding and putting away these clothes are - well, I have a better chance at winning the lottery. And considering that I don't play the lottery, well that should tell you something about Ron's dislike of folding laundry - especially that which isn't his...

So tonight I have a date with the television and these laundry baskets. :)

UPDATED: Well, I managed to get all of the laundry folded at least! I couldn't put it away in the girls' drawers since I didn't get to it after they were in bed, but at least it's all neatly stacked back in and ready to go. Here's the baskets again - hopefully you can tell the difference from the first picture! :)

What are you tackling this week? And check out other Tackle It Tuesday posts over at 5 Minutes for Mom!

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8 wonderful people said...:

Kimberly said...

Good luck with the laundry! It feels like it's never ending somedays! :)

~Tyra~ said...

Digging through laundry baskets full of clean clothes has been the story of my life lately. I did tackle the baskets over the weekend though.

Courtney said...

Oh the joys of folding laundry. Hopefully there will at least be something good on tv for you to watch while you do it! We are tackling the basement (ugh!). This week we tackled one corner "room" of it.

Anonymous said...

At least you can watch some t.v. while you fold, it makes it a little less painful! Good luck with your tackle. :-D

Unknown said...

hubby does laundry on weekend, it helps alot, he folds it all!

Great Tackle yo go! Come check out my awesome tackle. VROOOOM VROOOM!

Karen said...

I don't mind folding the laundry so much as putting it away. It can sit in baskets until one of two things happens....
either the baskets are empty, or I need the baskets for the next loads of laundry to schlep down to the basement.

Anonymous said...

I HAVE to fold the clothes as soon as they come out of the dryer. Otherwise, they get all wrinkled and I HATE ironing! LOL!

An Island Life

United Studies said...

Oh my gosh....this is exactly what happens at our house every week! My husband does the laundry on the weekend and it takes me until Tuesday to get it folded and put away. I hate laundry.