Thursday, November 1, 2007

The 5 'longest' days of the year

Today is November 1st. (well for another few minutes anyway!)

Between now and next Tuesday were always the 5 longest days of the year for me.

As a kid, all of the excitement leading up to Halloween was eclipsed only by the relish of what was to come just under a week later.

November 6th. My birthday.

And oh, did those few days last forever. I only wish the Halloween candy had lasted nearly as long!

Lately, as I've grown older, I find that those 5 days tend to rush by at least as fast as the rest of my days do. Halloween is still important (for different reasons now) but my birthday is just not the thrill that it used to be. Back when I was the focus of the day and my mom spent her time making sure that it was special and memorable.

Just as I do for my girls on their birthdays.

I remember my mom's birthdays being a reason to go out to dinner, make her a card and maybe buy or make her a gift. She never placed a lot of importance on her birthdays, so I guess we never really did either. And now, as a mom myself, I too would rather focus on my kids' birthdays than my own. To make theirs the most exciting and important day of the year for them. Planning parties, buying gifts, decorating, pampering each of them on their special day.

As I'm sure they'll do for their own kids someday.

This post was written as a submission for the Mothers and Daughters Blog Carnival.

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7 wonderful people said...:

Wendy said...

My birthday is on the 20th! It's my 30th! YIKES!!

MomOf4 said...

Happy almost birthday! I hope you have a great day! :)

Karen said...

Someone asked me the other day how I felt about turning 40 next month. It's just a number. I'm not getting all freaked out about it. I've learned that you don't wake up on your birthday feeling all that different than you did the day before. :)

Carrie said...

Mine's on the 5th...fellow scorpions!

Real Life Sarah said...

Happy late birthday! You're right about this! I forgot my own birthday one year.

Julie Arduini said...

I was thinking the same thing. My daughter was planning her NEXT birthday on her actual birthday. It's such excitement for her. Me? Mine is near Easter and I'm too consumed in the Passion Play to really care!

Donetta said...

I am so glad you were born. You are the gift to us.