Sunday, August 5, 2007

Lazy day

It's one of those Sundays where we have nothing planned and Ron's home. It's cool and rainy outside, Becca is napping, the big girls are downstairs watching a movie (Pocahontas) with Grandma and I was planning on doing some more of my photo scanning project. And yet, I find myself feeling somewhat lazy and unmotivated to do much of well, anything. So here I am, sitting on my bed with the laptop, catching up on e-mail, blog reading and (obviously) writing.

Oh, for those of you wondering - I did stay at work until 5pm on Friday and then picked Mom up. I guess it worked out anyway because the bus ended up being late and didn't even get in until 4pm. We picked the girls up and after screams of "Grandma!" and lots of hugging, we came home and I made dinner while Grandma took the big girls outside to play. It's so nice just having an extra person here to do those things. We were out of milk yesterday and I was able to just hop in the van and run to the store, leaving the kids with Grandma. No packing everyone up just to grab a gallon of milk. And the big girls love having Grandma here since she can play with them without interruption... and without having to keep a toddler occupied, like I usually do. Becca has become very attached to me and generally will not let me play with Abby and Hannah without causing a fuss or wanting to be involved too. Which doesn't make playing games and other things that Becca's too little for very easy for us. But I can play with Becca while Grandma plays with Abby and Hannah (or vice versa, but that doesn't always work very well). I am looking forward to when Becca's a bit older and can join in more easily and can also be reasoned with a bit more.

We had a fun day yesterday while Ron was at work. Mom and I took all 3 girls over to the small beach nearby. It's perfect for kids since it's on a tiny, man-made lake with no real current or waves. It's very shallow so the kids can walk out quite a ways and still touch the bottom. There's lots of sand for playing in and little minnows to chase. Abby and Hannah 'swam' in the water for almost the entire time. I did put a life jacket on Hannah, just to be on the safe side - we don't have any that fit Abby anymore, but she usually does very well in the water. Hannah threw a fit about the life jacket at first but I insisted and then she ended up liking it anyway since she could float about. Becca sat in the shallowest part (about waist deep for her while sitting) and played with her bucket and shovel and the wet sand. I took her out further for a little while and held her on my knees while I sat chest-deep. She thought that was pretty cool too. It was a perfect beach day - not too sunny and while it was warm, it wasn't too hot or humid. So we were perfectly comfortable sitting in the shallow water or on the beach.

I'm getting sleepy as I sit here... I fell asleep on the couch last night right after putting the girls to bed and didn't wake up until 10pm. And then of course I couldn't go back to sleep until after 2am. My sleep schedule is getting so very messed up nowadays! I'm halfway tempted to put this laptop down and take a nap right now...

Either that or I should get to scanning more of those photos. I'm more than halfway through the second photo album now, which is pretty exciting. Here's one of my favorite photos that I scanned last night. It's me holding my brother's puppy, Rex - I think I was about 9 when this was taken...

Happy lazy Sunday! Soon enough, Monday will be here and back to the 'grind'...

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2 wonderful people said...:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a fun day at the beach on Saturday! And that picture of you and Rex is adorable!! Two photo albums scanned - you have plenty of material for Throwback Thursday!!

Jane, P&B Girls

Deb said...

Thanks!! :)
Yes, now the challenge will be choosing only a few to post on Thursday... ;)