Friday, August 10, 2007

Three weeks until school starts...

It’s Friday, Ron and I both got paid this week and I’m getting a headache as I sit here staring at a stack of bills that I still can’t pay. Why not? Because we have to pay the mortgage (late) because the money that should’ve gone to pay the mortgage had to go to pay last month’s bills because the money that should’ve paid those went to pay July’s mortgage because the money that should’ve paid July’s mortgage went to - our credit union. And other various merchants after I mistakenly overspent our checking account in June.

I was hoping we could be caught back up by now, but it hasn’t happened yet. And I sit here staring at these bills and I know why I am so excited for school to be starting in a few weeks. Other than my kids starting new experiences and making new friends, that is. Why I am jumping out of my seat, waving my hands in the air, screaming at the top of my lungs excited!

One word – daycare. Or lack of, that is. With Abby starting first grade (full days!) and Hannah starting Young 5’s (half days, but M-F!), our daycare bill will go down to below $300/week for the first time this year. Depending on what we’ll have to pay for the one hour that Abby will be there after school, we’ll be saving close to $100/week over what we were paying last school year and even more than that compared to the $350/week we’re paying right now since supervised playground is over for Abby. Well more than half of Ron’s paycheck every week is going to pay for daycare. For 3 more weeks. Until school starts on September 4th and I will gladly write a smaller check to daycare knowing that we’ll have that extra money to help us get caught back up. At least until we have to start shopping for Hannah’s birthday in November. And Christmas…

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4 wonderful people said...:

Anonymous said...

My SIL would agree with you, she talks about when my oldest neice goes back to school, the extra money she'll have, becuase day care is about $300 a week for her too.
As hard as it was for us my husband and I had opposite shifts, we hardly ever saw each other, and now being a SAHM is tough, because of one less income, and if it makes you feel any better our mortgage will be late this month too.
YEAH! My children go back on MONDAY! I'm happy, I'm sad, but I'm Happy!! :) Can you tell I have mixed emotions!!

Have a great weekend.

Karen said...

There just always seems to be more month even when there isn't more money.

Anonymous said...

Extra money each month is always a great thing. Girlie Girl just started kindergarten which means we don't have to pay $650/month for preschool! Yay!

Anonymous said...

Oh that will be better for you all! Here's to getting back on track and those money worries a thing of the past. I believe we have all been there one time or another!