First off, a quick update on last week's tackle. Ron finally got the hook into the ceiling for me and so far everything's staying put! Here's the final 'after' photo (sorry, it came out a bit fuzzy for some reason) - this has really reduced the clutter in the girls' room, especially on the beds and floor. And made use of what was pretty much wasted space behind their door before. Now we'll just need to make sure that the zoo stays put in their new home. ;)
So I really can't put it off any longer. I have to sort through Becca's closet. Not only is it driving me nuts every time I open the door, but I need to figure out what clothes she has to wear for the fall and that means sorting through the bags and stacks of what's piled in there.
Here's what it looked like to begin with:
I did have time last night to go through the pile on top of the green bin that you can barely see on the lower left side - those are the clothes that Becca's outgrown but that I haven't wanted to get rid of. I filled an entire bin with everything that was piled on top, plus some of the baby items off the shelves that we don't need out anymore. Unfortunately I have the most time to work on it after the kids are in bed, but I obviously couldn't be working in Becca's room once she was asleep, so this tackle may take me a while.
Tonight I'll work on the piles of clothes on the closet floor. I think there's a lot of stuff that Becca still won't fit into yet, but some of it she may be able to wear this fall and winter. Originally it was all stacked nicely in the closet but my piles fell over and just got shoved back in - over and over. I've also got to pack away the spare diaper bags and rest of the 'baby' stuff that I'm not using any longer plus a few things that have been in this closet even way back when it was Hannah's - oh, 2 years ago.
Here's a picture of how the closet looks right now. If you look (really, really) closely, you can see that 'some' progress has been made... We'll see how much of it I'll be able to get to tonight between dinner and Becca's bedtime. I'll post an update and photo of a (hopefully) much improved closet later!
See more 'Tackle It Tuesday' posts over at 5 Minutes for Mom!
I didn't get much done last night because the kids wanted to go for a walk and then to the library so I decided that would be much more fun than cleaning out the mess that is Becca's closet, lol. I did get quite a bit done tonight but don't have any photos - I'll wait until I'm completely done and shock you all with a great 'after'!
8 wonderful people said...:
I love it hanging from the ceiling!! That is so cool!! I'm going to totally copy you and do that for the boys!! I love it!!
- Audrey
Pinks & Blues Girls
I've seen those hanging toy organisers here in South Africa too.
All the best on your humongous tackle :)
I'm glad you liked my book rating system.
Organising queen and
Take charge blogs
What a great idea for storage!
What a brave tackle! I like the cubby thing hanging, too! What a space saver!
In by inch! :)
I found a nice over the door type pocket hanger at wal-mar for $7. got one in each room. I had to mount Doves to the wall and Dave had his full of his cars and special things. He took to it right away with pride. I think the kids like the order too.
I LOVE the thing hanging from the ceiling where did you get it? It's really awesome! :)
As for the closet, good luck!
W do have that hanging organizer here too. Am planning to get one for myself and my son's things.
Good thing you have the time to tackle the clothes..I hope I could say the same and arrange my closet in the near future.lol
Jenn - it was $5.99 at Walgreens, believe it or not! :)
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